Sunday, October 11, 2009

Christine and Mark's sneak peek. :-)

I first met Christine over 10 years ago. She is the little sister of an old friend of mine. A tid bit of history...the night I met my husband, we had exchanged looks and maybe even a few words, but that was about all that happened when everyone in my group decided they wanted to leave the place we were at. I really wanted to get to know my husband more, but I felt I had no choice but to leave till I saw Christine walk by me. I told her what was going on and without hesitation she agreed to drive me home later (which was a HAUL for her then), and as a result my husband asked for my number and here were are happily married 9 years later. THANK YOU Christine!!

I'm not sure exactly when Christine met Mark, but through the years we've seen them at barbecues, other get togethers, and occasionally out and about. They have such an amazing amount of love for one another, and a strong friendship that you can just see by watching them together. I was so excited when I heard they had gotten engaged, because they are just one of those couples that you know are meant to be from the very beginning. It was truly an honor to be included in their special day. Here are just a few pics from their wedding and reception.

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